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$(document).ready(function() { // Global variables var cards = $('.card'); var showArticleWrapper = $('#show-article-wrapper'); var areFiltersActive = false; var homeChronicleBlockWidth = 0; var homeChronicleListWidth = 0; // Show the block view container once everything is set up $('.home-block-view').show(); // Initialization and Default Settings // Initially hide list view sorting buttons and set the default sorted view for block $('.home-chronicle-list-button, .home-random-list-button, .home-alphabetical-list-button').hide(); sortChronologically(); // Sort the block view chronologically by default updateLastVisibleCard(); // Utility Functions function sortChronologically() { var cards = $('.list-container .card').get(); cards.sort(function(a, b) { var numberA = parseInt($(a).find('.entry-number').text().replace(/\[|\]/g, ''), 10); var numberB = parseInt($(b).find('.entry-number').text().replace(/\[|\]/g, ''), 10); return numberB - numberA; // Descending order }); $.each(cards, function(index, item) { $('.list-container').append(item); }); } $('.home-list-view-button').click(function() { $(".home-list-sorting-buttons").css('display', 'flex'); // Switching view classes $('.home-block-view').removeClass('home-block-view').addClass('home-list-view'); // Additional class switch $('.home-chronicle-block').removeClass('home-chronicle-block').addClass('home-chronicle-list'); // Toggling visibility of buttons $('.home-chronicle-block-button, .home-random-block-button, .home-alphabetical-block-button').hide(); $('.home-chronicle-list-button, .home-random-list-button, .home-alphabetical-list-button').show(); updateLastVisibleCard(); // Assuming the switch might involve some animations, you might need a slight delay setTimeout(function() { homeChronicleListWidth = $('.home-chronicle-list').width(); console.log("Updated homeChronicleListWidth:", homeChronicleListWidth); }, 100); }); $('.home-block-view-button').click(function() { $('.home-list-sorting-buttons').hide(); // Hide list sorting buttons $('.home-list-view').removeClass('home-list-view').addClass('home-block-view'); $('.home-chronicle-list').removeClass('home-chronicle-list').addClass('home-chronicle-block'); $('.home-chronicle-block-button, .home-random-block-button, .home-alphabetical-block-button').show(); $('.home-chronicle-list-button, .home-random-list-button, .home-alphabetical-list-button').hide(); updateLastVisibleCard(); // Use setTimeout to allow any CSS transitions to complete. setTimeout(function() { homeChronicleBlockWidth = $('.home-chronicle-block').width(); console.log("Updated homeChronicleBlockWidth:", homeChronicleBlockWidth); }, 100); }); // BLOCK VIEW SORTING BUTTONS $('.home-chronicle-block-button').click(function() { sortChronologically(); updateLastVisibleCard(); }); $('.home-random-block-button').click(function() { randomizeCards('.list-container .card'); updateLastVisibleCard(); }); $('.home-alphabetical-block-button').click(function() { sortAlphabetically('.list-container .card'); updateLastVisibleCard(); }); // LIST VIEW SORTING BUTTONS $('.home-chronicle-list-button').click(function() { sortChronologically(); updateLastVisibleCard(); }); $('.home-random-list-button').click(function() { randomizeCards('.list-container .card'); updateLastVisibleCard(); }); $('.home-alphabetical-list-button').click(function() { sortAlphabetically('.list-container .card'); updateLastVisibleCard(); }); // Additional Utility Functions function randomizeCards(selector) { var cards = $(selector).get(); var i = cards.length, j, temp; while (--i > 0) { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); temp = cards[i]; cards[i] = cards[j]; cards[j] = temp; } $.each(cards, function(index, item) { $(selector).parent().append(item); }); } function sortAlphabetically(selector) { var cards = $(selector).get(); cards.sort(function(a, b) { var titleA = $(a).find('.title').text().toUpperCase(); var titleB = $(b).find('.title').text().toUpperCase(); return (titleA < titleB) ? -1 : (titleA > titleB) ? 1 : 0; }); $.each(cards, function(index, item) { $(selector).parent().append(item); }); } // FILTERS --------------------- SECTION // // General Filters Toggle Button $('.general-toggle').click(function() { var filtersDiv = $('#filters'); filtersDiv.toggleClass('is-visible'); if (filtersDiv.hasClass('is-visible')) { filtersDiv.css('display', 'grid').hide().slideDown(100); $(this).text('[Close]'); $('.reset-button').show(); } else { filtersDiv.slideUp(100, function() { $(this).css('display', 'none'); }); $(this).text('[Open]'); $('.reset-button').hide(); } updateLastVisibleCard(); }); // Specific Toggle for Filter Sections like TYPE, ENTITY, etc. $('.open-filter').click(function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); // Prevent the click event from bubbling up var filterType = $(this).closest('.filter').data('filter'); $('#values-' + filterType).toggle(); // Toggle the visibility of the specific filter values // Toggle active class based on the visibility of the filter values if ($('#values-' + filterType).is(':visible')) { $(this).addClass('active-filter'); } else { $(this).removeClass('active-filter'); } updateLastVisibleCard(); }); function filterCards() { $('.card').show(); // Initially show all cards console.log("Filtering cards..."); $('.filter').each(function() { var filterType = $(this).data('filter'); // e.g., 'type', 'entity', etc. var selectedValues = $(this).find('.values').map(function() { return $(this).parent('a').attr('title').toLowerCase(); // Assuming case-insensitive }).get(); if (selectedValues.length > 0) { $('.card').each(function() { var card = $(this); var hasMatchingValue = selectedValues.some(function(value) { var textContent = card.find('.' + filterType).text().toLowerCase(); var contentArray = textContent.split(/,|\s+/); // Split by commas or spaces return contentArray.includes(value); // Check for exact matches in the array }); if (!hasMatchingValue) { card.hide(); // Hide the card if it doesn't match the filter } }); } }); // Update the styling for the last visible card updateLastVisibleCard(); } function updateLastVisibleCard() { // Target only the list view container for updating the last visible card $('.home-chronicle-list div.list-container div.card').removeClass('last-visible'); // Find the last visible card within the list view and add the class var lastVisibleCard = $('.home-chronicle-list div.list-container div.card:visible:last'); lastVisibleCard.addClass('last-visible'); } // Reset function $('.reset-filter').click(function() { // Remove 'active' class from all filter buttons $('#filters .values button').removeClass('active'); $('.open-filter').removeClass('active-filter'); // Show all cards that might have been hidden by the filters $('.card').show(); updateLastVisibleCard(); }); $('#filters .values button').click(function() { $(this).toggleClass('active'); filterCards(); // Re-apply the filters based on the updated active buttons updateLastVisibleCard(); }); // MODAL ARTICLE --------------------- SECTION // // Format paragraphs function formatParagraphs(text) { var paragraphs = text.split('\n').filter(function (p) { return p.trim() !== '' }); return (p) { return '<p>' + p.trim() + '</p>'; }).join(''); } var images = []; // Initialize an empty array to store the images // Find all image containers within the article content and extract the necessary information $('.article-images .image-container').each(function() { var img = $(this).find('img'); var captionDiv = $(this).find('div[class^="caption-image"]'); var image = { src: img.attr('src'), alt: img.attr('alt'), caption: captionDiv.text(), captionClass: captionDiv.attr('class') }; images.push(image); // Add the image object to the images array }); if (images.length > 0) { setupImageToggle(images); // Call the setupImageToggle function with the images array updateImageLabel(1, images.length); // Set the label for the first image immediately } function setupImageToggle(images) { var currentIndex = 0; function toggleImage() { currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % images.length; var image = images[currentIndex]; updateImageLabel(currentIndex + 1, images.length); // Update the label on toggle $('#article-content').find('.article-images').html(getImageHtml(image, currentIndex, images.length)); } $('#article-content').on('click', '.image-container img', function() { toggleImage(); }); } function getImageHtml(image, currentIndex, totalImages) { var imageLabel = (currentIndex + 1) + '/' + totalImages + ' IMAGES'; return '<p class="article-label-image">' + imageLabel + '</p>' + '<div class="image-container">' + '<img src="' + image.src + '" alt="' + image.alt + '">' + '<div class="' + image.captionClass + '">' + image.caption + '</div>' + '</div>'; } function updateImageLabel(currentIndex, totalImages) { var imageLabel = currentIndex + '/' + totalImages + ' IMAGES'; $('#article-content .article-label-image').text(imageLabel); // Update or set the label text } function openModal(cardElement, event) { event.stopPropagation(); // Prevent the event from bubbling up showArticleWrapper.css('display', 'block'); // Clear existing content in modal // Existing modal logic... // Use the stored widths if ($('.home-chronicle-list').is(':visible')) { // Use homeChronicleListWidth to adjust modal or perform other actions console.log("Using homeChronicleListWidth:", homeChronicleListWidth); } else if ($('.home-chronicle-block').is(':visible')) { // Use homeChronicleBlockWidth to adjust modal or perform other actions console.log("Using homeChronicleBlockWidth:", homeChronicleBlockWidth); } // Existing modal logic... $('.list-container').addClass('fade-out'); } function openModal(cardElement, event) { event.stopPropagation(); // Prevent the event from bubbling up var isRelatedArticle = $(cardElement).hasClass('related-article'); showArticleWrapper.css('display', 'block'); // Clear existing content in modal $('#article-title').empty(); $('#article-content').empty(); if (isRelatedArticle) { // Handle card elements (existing logic) var cardImages = []; for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { var imageClass = '.related-article-image' + i; var captionClass = '.related-article-caption-image' + i; var imageElem = $(cardElement).find(imageClass + ' img'); if (imageElem.length) { var captionText = $(cardElement).find(imageClass + ' ' + captionClass).text(); cardImages.push({ link: $(cardElement).find(imageClass + ' a').attr('href'), src: imageElem.attr('src'), alt: imageElem.attr('alt'), caption: captionText, captionClass: 'related-article-caption-image' + i }); } } if (cardImages.length > 1) { setupImageToggle(cardImages); } // Handle related-article elements var entryNumber = $(cardElement).find('.related-article-entry-number').text(); var peopleHtml = $(cardElement).find('.related-article-people').html(); var title = $(cardElement).find('.related-article-title').text(); var typeHtml = $(cardElement).find('.related-article-type').html(); var externalLinkURL = $(cardElement).find('.related-article-link a').attr('href'); var entity = $(cardElement).find('.related-article-entity').text(); var discipline = $(cardElement).find('.related-article-discipline').text(); var subject = $(cardElement).find('.related-article-subject').text(); var description = $(cardElement).find('.related-article-description').html(); var reflection = $(cardElement).find('.related-article-reflection').html(); var quote = $(cardElement).find('.related-article-quote').text(); var modificationDate = $(cardElement).find('.related-article-modification-date').text(); // Update modal content for related-article $('#article-title').html('<p class="article-entry-number">' + entryNumber + '</p><p class="article-people">' + peopleHtml + '</p>'); var articleContentHtml = '<div class="article-title-link">'; articleContentHtml += '<p class="article-title">' + title + '</p>'; if (externalLinkURL) { articleContentHtml += '<a href="' + externalLinkURL + '" target="_blank" class="external-link-icon"><img src="/images/6/6d/Link-arrow-new.png" alt="Link"></a>'; } articleContentHtml += '</div>'; // Close the new div // Append type, entity, discipline, and subject details articleContentHtml += '<p class="article-type">' + typeHtml + '</p>' + '<div class="article-metadata">' + '<div class="article-metadata-column">' + '<p class="article-metadata-label">Entity</p>' + '<p class="article-metadata-value">' + entity + '</p>' + '</div>' + '<div class="article-metadata-column">' + '<p class="article-metadata-label">Discipline</p>' + '<p class="article-metadata-value">' + discipline + '</p>' + '</div>' + '<div class="article-metadata-column">' + '<p class="article-metadata-label">Subject(s)</p>' + '<p class="article-metadata-value">' + subject + '</p>' + '</div>' + '</div>'; // Add images if any if (cardImages.length > 0) { var initialImage = cardImages[0]; // Use the first image initially articleContentHtml += '<div class="article-images">' + getImageHtml(initialImage, 0, cardImages.length) + '</div>'; } // Add non-image content (description, reflection, etc.) articleContentHtml += (description ? '<p class="article-label-description">Description</p>' + '<div class="article-description">' + formatParagraphs(description) + '</div>' : '') + (reflection ? '<p class="article-label-reflection">Reflection</p>' + '<div class="article-reflection">' + formatParagraphs(reflection) + '</div>' : '') + (quote ? '<p class="article-label-quote">Quote</p>' + '<p class="article-quote">' + quote + '</p>' : '') + '<p class="article-label-modification-date">Added on</p>' + '<div class="article-modification-date">' + modificationDate + '</div>'; $('#article-content').html(articleContentHtml); } else { // Handle card elements (existing logic) var cardImages = []; for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { var imageClass = '.image' + i; var captionClass = '.caption-image' + i; var imageElem = $(cardElement).find(imageClass + ' img'); if (imageElem.length) { var captionText = $(cardElement).find(imageClass + ' ' + captionClass).text(); cardImages.push({ link: $(cardElement).find(imageClass + ' a').attr('href'), src: imageElem.attr('src'), alt: imageElem.attr('alt'), caption: captionText, captionClass: 'caption-image' + i }); } } if (cardImages.length > 1) { setupImageToggle(cardImages); } var entryNumber = $(cardElement).find('.entry-number').text(); var title = $(cardElement).find('.title').text(); var peopleHtml = $(cardElement).find('.people').html(); var typeHtml = $(cardElement).find('.type').html(); var externalLinkURL = $(cardElement).find('.link a').attr('href'); var entity = $(cardElement).find('.entity').text(); var discipline = $(cardElement).find('.discipline').text(); var subject = $(cardElement).find('.subject').text(); var description = $(cardElement).find('.description').html(); var reflection = $(cardElement).find('.reflection').html(); var quote = $(cardElement).find('.quote').text(); var modificationDate = $(cardElement).find('.modification-date').text(); var relatedArticlesHtml = $(cardElement).find('.related-articles').html(); $('#article-title').html('<p class="article-entry-number">' + entryNumber + '</p><p class="article-people">' + peopleHtml + '</p>'); var articleContentHtml = '<div class="article-title-link">'; articleContentHtml += '<p class="article-title">' + title + '</p>'; if (externalLinkURL) { articleContentHtml += '<a href="' + externalLinkURL + '" target="_blank" class="external-link-icon"><img src="/images/6/6d/Link-arrow-new.png" alt="Link"></a>'; } articleContentHtml += '</div>'; // Close the new div // Append type, entity, discipline, and subject details articleContentHtml += '<p class="article-type">' + typeHtml + '</p>' + '<div class="article-metadata">' + '<div class="article-metadata-column">' + '<p class="article-metadata-label">Entity</p>' + '<p class="article-metadata-value">' + entity + '</p>' + '</div>' + '<div class="article-metadata-column">' + '<p class="article-metadata-label">Discipline</p>' + '<p class="article-metadata-value">' + discipline + '</p>' + '</div>' + '<div class="article-metadata-column">' + '<p class="article-metadata-label">Subject(s)</p>' + '<p class="article-metadata-value">' + subject + '</p>' + '</div>' + '</div>'; // Add images if any if (cardImages.length > 0) { var initialImage = cardImages[0]; // Use the first image initially articleContentHtml += '<div class="article-images">' + getImageHtml(initialImage, 0, cardImages.length) + '</div>'; } // Add non-image content (description, reflection, etc.) articleContentHtml += (description ? '<p class="article-label-description">Description</p>' + '<div class="article-description">' + formatParagraphs(description) + '</div>' : '') + (reflection ? '<p class="article-label-reflection">Reflection</p>' + '<div class="article-reflection">' + formatParagraphs(reflection) + '</div>' : '') + (quote ? '<p class="article-label-quote">Quote</p>' + '<p class="article-quote">' + quote + '</p>' : '') + '<p class="article-label-modification-date">Added on</p>' + '<div class="article-modification-date">' + modificationDate + '</div>'; $('#article-content').html(articleContentHtml); $('#related-articles').html(relatedArticlesHtml); if (relatedArticlesHtml && relatedArticlesHtml.trim().length > 0) { $('#related-articles').html('<div class="related-articles-label">Related Articles</div><div class="related-articles-container">' + relatedArticlesHtml + '</div>').show(); } } // Use the stored widths if ($('.home-chronicle-list').is(':visible')) { // Use homeChronicleListWidth to adjust modal or perform other actions console.log("Using homeChronicleListWidth:", homeChronicleListWidth); } else if ($('.home-chronicle-block').is(':visible')) { // Use homeChronicleBlockWidth to adjust modal or perform other actions console.log("Using homeChronicleBlockWidth:", homeChronicleBlockWidth); } // Apply the fade-out effect to both #list and #list-list elements $('.list-container').addClass('fade-out'); } // closeModal function function closeModal() { showArticleWrapper.hide(); } function setShowArticleRotationEffect() { const offset = 20; const showArticle = document.querySelector('#show-article'); const h = showArticle.clientHeight; const theta = -Math.atan(offset/h); const a = Math.cos(theta); const b = Math.sin(theta); const c = -Math.sin(theta); const d = Math.cos(theta); const showArticleBefore = document.querySelector('#show-article-before'); const transformValue = 'matrix('+a+','+b+','+c+','+d+',0,0)'; = transformValue; } // Event listener for cards cards.on('click', function(event) { openModal(this, event); // Call openModal function, passing the current element and event setShowArticleRotationEffect(); }); // Close modal with Close button $('#close-button').on('click', function () { $('.list-container').removeClass('fade-out'); closeModal(); }); // Close modal and remove fade out also when clicking outside of card $(document).on('mousedown', function (event) { var isOutsideWrapper = ! && showArticleWrapper.has( === 0; var isOnCard = $('.card, .list-card').length > 0; if (!areFiltersActive) { if (isOutsideWrapper && !isOnCard) { $('.list-container').removeClass('fade-out'); showArticleWrapper.css('display', 'none'); closeModal(); // Use closeModal() for cleanup } } }); // Hover effect for scrolling $('#show-article-wrapper').hover(function () { // On hover, enable scrolling on #show-article-wrapper $(this).css('overflow-y', 'auto'); }, function () { // On hover out, disable scrolling on #show-article-wrapper $(this).css('overflow-y', 'hidden'); }); });