⤢ a directory that gathers, stacks and links practices that work with, through and beyond (digital) fashion […]
LATEST UPDATE 04.12.2024
Editor's portal!
Form to add entry:
Form to add community entry:
Form to add author/creator:
Form to add type:
Form to add subject:
All entries:
All community entries:
All authors/creators:
All types:
All subjects:
!!!!! NOTE !!!!!
When adding a new type with a form, you should also add it in the code of Form:Entry, because of its tree structure.
- Go to page: Entry 🖊
- Click on the button "Edit source" located top right on the screen
- Find the following code: | {{{field|Type|input type=tree|mandatory|height=400px|structure=
- Add the type you just created with the Form:Type, so you can also see it in the tree structure of Form:Entry