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the Cyberfeminism Index is incomplete and always in progress..  +
A citation should not be singular, but instead explicitly connected to the lineage of research that came before it.  +
Glitch Poetics resists technofuturism, reinventing errancy as a necessary aesthetic value of (and crucially against) our time.  +
This publication derives from an enthusiasm for the various ways collective learning environments take shape. It grew out of a curiosity for the ways that such practices are shared across different localities, timelines, and experiences.  +
So we go back to the blog. Repurpose the zine. We’re sending our reply using the grammar of the internet.  +
Worldbuilding is a means to resist complacency and categorization; an affirmation that one can draw new borders (or ends) and declare new logics for life.  +
We live in a world where captains get arrested for saving people’s lives on the sea; where a person downloading scientific articles faces 35 years in jail; where people risk charges for bringing contraceptives to those who otherwise couldn’t get them. Folks are getting in trouble for giving food to the poor, medicine to the sick, water to the thirsty, shelter to the homeless. And yet our heroines care and disobey. They are pirates.  +
An emerging guard of young, female photographers has carved out a new brand of feminism with a new set of definitions.  +
This website explores the unique poetic character of fashion captions, and text in general of its media systems.  +
When musing on fashion and identity, it’s always worth asking: when does wearing something truly change the meaning of who we are?  +
Within glitch feminism, glitch is celebrated as a vehicle of refusal, a strategy of nonperformance.  +
Growing up, I was always curious about computers and technology, and I've often heard people say things like 'it's weird that you're good with computers as a girl'.  +
The reality is that “authenticity” holds no value. But then again, who wants to engage in reality?  +
Embrace subjectivity. Nomadologize. Unclog digital neuroses. Reconnect with the ancients. Atomize. Overflow with information. Make love piratic. Plagiarize with the girls. Weave webs of excess. Become a girlblogger.  +
A reparative, intersectional, and feminist approach to publishing means a networked approach, set up for working best when it is cared for by one or many communities.  +
I propose Endarkenment, an aesthetic posturing that’s emerging from the abyss of ultimate system failures and chronic mass despair. I’m not interested in a doomsday, pure-nihilistic dystopian narrative.  +
“As you gaze at the flickering signifiers scrolling down the computer screens, (…) you have already become posthuman.”  +
we're exploring how technological scale sets conditions for relations, feelings, democratic processes, and infrastructures.  +
When we return to the public squares, it is not uncommon to think: what the hell is anyone saying? Imagine explaining what an 'Aesop Soap Guy' or a 'Sandy Liang Girlie' are to someone who isn't involved in that discourse.  +
In a swarm, the whole emerges from local interactions, with no central control or singular direction. This phenomenon can be seen in digital spaces where collective behaviors and patterns emerge organically, driven by the actions and decisions of individual participants.  +